Phonics Worksheets - Full List

With these files, your students will practice reading and writing words with the short a vowel sounds. Printables include word and picture sorts, a phonics card game, cut-and-glue activities, reading sliders, and more.
Long A Vowel SoundAll of the printable activities in this unit features words that have the long a vowel sound. There are word wheels, card games, cut-and-paste activities, coloring worksheets, and much more.
Short A & Long A (Mixed)The worksheets on this page have words with both the short a and long a vowel sounds. These printable games and worksheets require students to sort or differentiate between the two sounds.
Short E Vowel SoundHelp students write and read words with the short e vowel sound. This page has tracing worksheets, reading spinners, paste-and-cut projects, and puzzles.
Long E Vowel SoundOur long e page has a variety of learning center activities, cutting and gluing activities, as well as word sorts.
Short E & Long E (Mixed)This page has a collection of printable worksheets and games featuring words with short e and long e vowel sounds.
Short I Vowel SoundFocus on the short i vowel sound with these printable phonics worksheets.
Long I Vowel SoundThese printable phonics worksheets feature words that have a long i vowel sound. There are cut-and-glue activities, word wheels, word sliders, and more.
Short I & Long I (Mixed)The worksheets on this page have words with both the long i and short i vowel sounds. These printables require your students to sort between the two sounds.
Short O Vowel SoundThis set of phonics worksheets teaches students about the short o sound.
Long O Vowel SoundThis collection of printable phonics worksheets highlight words that have a long o vowel sound.
Short O & Long O (Mixed)Differentiate between words with the long o vowel sound and those with a short o vowel sound with this selection of phonics worksheets.
Short U Vowel SoundThe short u vowel sound is the focus of these printable mini-books, games, and worksheets.
Long U Vowel SoundThese printable worksheets are designed to have students read and learn about words that have a long u sound.
Short U & Long U (Mixed)Students can explore the differences between the long u and short u vowel sounds in words.
Consonant B bWorksheets, mini-books, and games that focus on the consonant letter b.
Consonant C cPrintable games, worksheets, and mini-books that focus on the consonant letter c.
Consonant D dPrint these worksheets that focus on the consonant letter d.
Consonant F fWorksheets to help students learn the letter f.
Consonant G gWith these worksheets, students will learn the sounds made by the letter g.
Consonant H hWorksheets, mini-books, and printable games that focus on the letter h.
Consonant J jComplete set of worksheets for the consonant letter j.
Consonant K kMaterials for teaching students about the sound made by the letter k.
Consonant L lLearn about the consonant letter l with these printable worksheets.
Consonant M mWorksheets, printable mini-books, and card games for the consonant letter m.
Consonant N nPrint worksheets, games, mini-books, and activities for the letter n.
Consonant P pPractice the sound made by the letter p with these printable classroom activities.
Consonant Q qMaster the sound made by the letters qu with these worksheets.
Consonant R rPrintable worksheets, mini-books, and games for the letter r.
Consonant S sThe consonant letter s is the focus of this phonics worksheet set.
Consonant T tMini-books, worksheets, and more on this letter t page.
Consonant V vWorksheets for teaching students about the letter v.
Consonant W wWord sorts, cut-and-glue activities, and printables for teaching the /w/ sound.
Consonant X xHere are several activities for learning the /x/ sound.
Consonant Y yYes, you can learn to read about yo-yos, yaks, yolks, and yarn with the /y/ worksheets.
Consonant Z zUse these worksheets and games to practice reading words with the /z/ sound.
Digraph: CHPractice the /ch/ sound with these worksheets and activities.
Digraph: CKFind out some of the words that use the /k/-sounding ck digraph after a short vowel sound.
Digraph: SHLearn to say and read the /sh/ sound with these printable worksheets and activities.
Digraph: THLearn the two different ways to read and say /th/ with this collection of printables.
Digraph: WHPractice reading words with the /wh/ sound.
Digraphs: CH- and SH- (Mixed)These worksheets will help your students learn to differentiate between the /ch/ and /sh/ sounds and spellings.
Trigraph: DGEWhen ending a syllable, the letters dge make a soft g sound, and the e does not make the preceding vowel long. Master this common trigraph with our collection of printable worksheets and games.
Trigraph: TCHThe letters tch are used at the end of syllables to make the /ch/ sound. Practice recognizing and using words that use this common trigraph.
Blend Family: L-Family BlendsThis phonics unit has many printable worksheets featuring words with the L-family blend such as: bl-, cl-, fl-, gl-, pl-, and sl-.
Blend Family: R-Family BlendsPrintable worksheets for teaching students to read and write basic words that begin with the letters br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, and tr.
Blend: BLRead and write words with the /bl/ sound.
Blend: BRUse these printable activities to help teach students about the BR consonant blend.
Blend: CLUse the printable activities on this page to help students practice the CL consonant blend.
Blend: CRThese printable activities can be used to help teach students about the CR consonant blend.
Blend: DRA wide-selection of worksheets and activities for students to learn about the DR consonant blend.
Blend: FLThis unit contains words that have start with the /fl/ sound. Words include: flamingo, flashcards, Florida, floss, flute, fly, flag, flame, and flower.
Blend: FRUse these worksheets to help teach students to read words with the /fr/ sound.
Blend: GLPrint out the phonics worksheets and activities on this page so your students can learn about words with the GL consonant blend.
Blend: GRUse these printable phonics worksheets and activities to help students learn words with a /pr/ sound. Includes the words: grapes, grass, green, and grill.
Blend: PLStudents will use this wide array of worksheets and activities to help learn about words with the /pl/ sound.
Blend: PRThis unit is devoted to words with the PR consonant blend. You will find many different worksheets and activities for students to practice reading, writing, and identifying their PR words.
Blend: SCTeach your students about words with the SC consonant blend with this phonics unit. Words in this unit include: scout, scare, scope, scoot, scarecrow, scarf, and scoop.
Blend: SKWhen teaching your students about the SK consonant blend, you will find all kinds of printables, such as: a word wheel, cut-and-glue activities, writing activities, flashcards, and more!
Blend: SLUse sentences, activities and mini-books to help deliver the SL sound.
Blend: SNTry reading and writing words with the /sn/ sound.
Blend: SPCheck out the wide selection of printable games, activities, and worksheets featuring words with the SP consonant blend (ex: spin, spy, spell, spring, and space.
Blend: STTeach students to read words with the /st/ sound.
Blend: SWThis unit highlighting SW words has all kinds of printable worksheets including a word search puzzle, word slider, word wheel, flashcards, cut-and-glue activities, and more!
Blend: TRTeach students about the TR consonant blend with these printable activities, puzzles, and worksheets.
Blend: SCRCheck out our collection of /scr/ blend worksheets and activities.
Blend: SHRThese worksheets, activities, and other printables are helpful for teaching students about the /shr/ blend.
Blend: SPLOur /spl/ worksheets include a word wheel, word slider, matching activity, card game, and more!
Blend: SPRGo to this page to see all of our worksheets on the three-letter blend /spr/.
Blend: SQUCheck out our /squ/ worksheets with words like squirm, squeak, and square.
Blend: STRPractice reading and writing words with the /str/ sound.
Blend: THROur /thr/ worksheets feature words such as throne, thrill, throat, and more.
R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /är/ as in CarThese printable worksheets feature words with the r-controlled vowel sound /är/. This sound is usually spelled with the letters ar and is found in words like car, start, and march.
R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /âr/ as in BearThis page has t-chart sorting worksheets, dabber worksheets, flashcards, and more. Words in this series include: air, there/there, pear, square, stare/stair, bear, and hair/hare.
R-Controlled Vowel Sound /îr/ as in DeerThis page has circle-the-word worksheets, dabber activities, word wheels, and flashcards. Words in this set include deer, fear, hear/here, cheer, and rear.
R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /ôr/ as in HornThe r-controlled vowel sound /ôr/ can be heard in the words corn, storm, pork, pork, and horn. This page has phonics word wheels, flashcards, and listening worksheets.
R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /ûr/ Spelled with er, ir, & urThis set contains worksheets and flashcards for words with the /ûr/ sound. This is the sound you hear in her, bird, fur, turn, germ, dirt, curl, and girl.
OI and OYLearn about the /oy/ vowel sound with these printables. Includes flashcards, word sliders, stampers, and sentence completion activities.
OW and OULearn about /ow/ spelled with ou and ow.
EE and EALearn about the long e sound spelled with the digraphs ee and ea.
OO WordsLearn about the short and long oo sounds with these phonics worksheets.
CVC WordsThe worksheets on this page have words with the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern.
CVVC WordsPrint activities for teaching words with the consonant-vowel-vowel-consonant pattern.
CVCe (Silent e) WordsThis page has several different types of activities for learning about Silent E (CVCe) words.
Initial ConsonantsThese worksheets and games can be used to help students recognize beginning consonant sounds in words.
Ending ConsonantsOn these worksheets, students determine which consonant sounds are at the end of each word.
Word FamiliesWe have word family units for dozens of word families, including -ack, -ad, -ag, -ail, -ake, -all, -ap, -an, -am, -and, -at, -ate, -aw, -ay, -eal, -ear, -eep, -eel, -eet, -ent, -ell, -ight, -ime, -ine, -ing, -ook, -op, -ow, -ug, and -ump.
Word Wheels (Word Families)Practice reading word family sets with these word wheels.
Sight Word UnitsWe have 30 weeks of sight word units. Each unit highlights five words for kids to learn and includes a variety of sight word games, worksheets, and learning center activities.
Sight Words (Individual)Download printable worksheets for over 200 individual sight words. Each word has about nine worksheets.
Dolch Sight WordsSight word bingo, word wheels, and flashcards.
Fry Instant Sight WordsUse these tools to help your students master the Fry Instant Word lists.
Alphabet CrownsPrint letter and number hats that your students can color and wear in school. Each hat features a letter (or number) of the day, with pictures.
Phonics Mini-BooksPrint these tiny 8-page mini-books for each consonant and vowel sound.
Word LaddersTo complete these phonics puzzles, students change letters in the given words to build new words. (Level: Very Basic)
Phonics for Older Students (General)Phonics vowel sounds, blends, and diphthongs for upper-elementary students.
Phonics for Older Students: Long and Short Vowel SoundsRecognize long and short vowel sounds in words.
Reading & Writing Worksheets - Full ListPrintable worksheets to help students learn long and short vowel sounds.

Phonics is a crucial component of elementary school English Language Arts (ELA) that helps students understand the relationship between letters and sounds, building a foundation for reading and writing. Typically introduced in kindergarten and first grade, phonics instruction teaches students how to decode words by sounding out individual letters and letter combinations. Core phonics concepts include learning consonant and vowel sounds, blends, digraphs, and word families. By mastering these basic building blocks, students gain the skills they need to read fluently, spell accurately, and recognize familiar word patterns in new contexts.
In the classroom, phonics is taught through a variety of interactive and hands-on activities that make learning fun and engaging. Teachers use games, songs, and flashcards to help students memorize letter sounds and practice blending them together to form words. Activities such as matching pictures to words, sorting word cards by sound, and building words with magnetic letters encourage students to apply their phonics knowledge. Phonics instruction often includes reading aloud, where students practice decoding words in simple texts, helping them become more confident and proficient readers. As students progress through the grades, phonics instruction evolves to include more complex word patterns, such as silent letters, long and short vowel sounds, and multi-syllable words. Super Teacher has worksheets focusing on individual vowels and consonants, letter blends, beginning and ending sounds, sight words, and more!
Understanding the core concepts of phonics is essential for effective communication. Phonics equips students with the tools they need to decode unfamiliar words, allowing them to read with greater fluency and comprehension. It also improves spelling and writing skills, as students can apply phonics rules when constructing words on paper. Phonics forms the foundation of literacy, which is critical for success not only in ELA but across all academic subjects. By developing strong phonics skills early on, students build the confidence they need to engage with increasingly complex texts and communicate their ideas effectively as they advance through school.