Phonics: Long I and Short I (Mixed)
This page is full of printable worksheets, games, and activities that has students differentiating between words with a short i vowel sound and words with a long i vowel sound. Most activities on this page align with the following Common Core Standards: CCSS.RF.1.2a and CCSS.RF.2.3a.

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Enter this page to print out worksheets, games, and activities dedicated solely to words that contain the short-I vowel sound.
Long I Vowel Sound WorksheetsThis selection of worksheets featuring words with a long-I vowel sound contains cut and glue activities, word slider, word wheels, games, and more.
Full List of Phonics WorksheetsThis page is a complete index to all of our phonics units including: sight words, word families, word patterns, digraphs, diphthongs, and blends.