Super Teacher Worksheets

Phonics: Long I and Short I (Mixed)

This page is full of printable worksheets, games, and activities that has students differentiating between words with a short i vowel sound and words with a long i vowel sound. Most activities on this page align with the following Common Core Standards: CCSS.RF.1.2a and CCSS.RF.2.3a.

Phonics Worksheets: Long I and Short I
Cut out the picture boxes and use glue to place them in the proper columns, sorting them into short i and long i words.
1st Grade
Common Core
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Use a red crayon to color the pictures with a short i sound and a blue crayon to color the pictures with a long i sound in their name.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sort through the rows of jumbled up letters to find the word from the picture.
1st Grade
For this phonics worksheet, use a red marker or bingo dabber to color the circles that have a long i sound and a blue marker or bingo dabber to color the circles with a short i sound.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Refine important phonics skills with these picture cards. Each card has a picture that represents a long i or short i word. Students will say the word and then sort the card into the correct pile.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Students will enjoy this scavenger hunt activity while they search for the hidden phonics cards. On their answer sheet, students will determine if it is a word with a short i sound or long i sound.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sort each of these twenty-eight cards into two groups. Words with a long i vowel sound and words with a short i sound.
1st and 2nd Grades
Students will use scissors to cut apart the 18 cards and sort the words into 2 groups: Long i words and Short i words
Kindergarten and 1st Grade

See Also:

Short I Vowel Sound Worksheets

Enter this page to print out worksheets, games, and activities dedicated solely to words that contain the short-I vowel sound.

Long I Vowel Sound Worksheets

This selection of worksheets featuring words with a long-I vowel sound contains cut and glue activities, word slider, word wheels, games, and more.

Full List of Phonics Worksheets

This page is a complete index to all of our phonics units including: sight words, word families, word patterns, digraphs, diphthongs, and blends.

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Printable Phonics Worksheets - Long I Short I Vowel Sound

Phonics - Long I Short I Vowel Sounds - Printable Worksheets

Phonics Worksheets - Vowel Sounds Short I Long I

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