Super Teacher Worksheets

Phonics: Diphthongs OI and OY

This page has a collection of printable phonics worksheets for teaching diphthongs OI and OY.

Phonics: Diphthongs OI and OY - Worksheets


Read each sentence. Determine whether the underlined word should be spelled with the letters oi or oy.
3rd and 4th Grades
Common Core
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Read each sentence. Write the missing letters for each incomplete word. Choose from au, aw, ou, ow, and oy.
3rd and 4th Grades
Use and ink pad and letter stampers to make the OI words shown.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Use an ink pad and letter stampers to make the words shown. This activity works well as a phonics learning center.
2nd and 3rd Grades

Word Sliders, Flashcards, and Wheels

This file contains a word slider and two word strips with OI and OY words.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Practice oi words with these flashcards. List: oil, boil, oink, foil, noise, coil, coin, soil, spoil, and choice.
2nd and 3rd Grades
These flash cards have oy words. List includes toy, boy, joy, enjoy, annoy, cowboy, annoy, and loyal.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Print on card stock. Cut out the wheels and attach them together with a brass paper fastener. Then spin the wheel to see the words.
2nd and 3rd Grades
See also:
OI and OY Spelling Unit
(2nd Grade)

This spelling unit contains a list and several worksheets. Words include boy, oil, foyer, foil, coin, toy, voice, annoy, soil, enjoy, join, and joy. (Approx 2nd grade level)

OI and OY Spelling Unit
(3rd Grade)

This unit has a word list and over 10 worksheets. Word list includes: toys, voyage, noise, voice, loyal, soil, coins, , point, joyful, annoy, avoid, broil, boy, destroy, and join.

More Phonics Worksheets

This page has our complete phonics index. Download and print resources for teaching long and short vowel sounds, consonant blends, digraphs, diphthongs, and word families.

Sample Worksheet Images

Printable Phonics Worksheets - OY Vowel Sound

Vowel Sound OI Phonics Worksheets

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