Super Teacher Worksheets

Phonics: Long A and Short A (Mixed)

Here you'll find activities to help students differentiate between long a and short a vowel sounds. Most files on this page align with Common Core Standards CCSS.RF.1.2a and CCSS.RF.2.3a.

These files have both long and short vowel sounds. If you're looking for short a only, please jump to our short a page. If you're looking for long a only, please jump to our long a page.

Phonics Worksheets: Long A and Short A
Scissors and a glue stick are needed for this phonics worksheet. Cut apart the pictures and glue them in the correct columns, sorting by short and long a sounds.
1st Grade
Common Core
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This coloring phonics worksheet will have your students using a red crayon to color in the pictures that have a short a sound and a blue crayon to color in pictures with a long a sound.
1st Grade
For each of the four illustrations, find the long a or short a word within the group of scrambled up letters and circle it.
1st Grade
Read a word from each group to your students to see if they can circle the correct word. This phonics worksheet will have students differentiating between words with long and short a sounds.
1st Grade
Having your students play with this scavenger hunt activity is a great and fun way for them to practice reading their words that have a long a or short a vowel sound in them.
1st and 2nd Grades
This fun activity has students using bingo dabbers, crayons, or markers to color in the word circles. Use red to color in words with a long a sound and blue to color in words with a short a sound.
1st Grade
Sort the word cards into two groups: long a and short a words.
1st and 2nd Grades
This sorting activity reinforces key phonics skills. Have students sort the cards into short A or long A based on the pictures shown.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade

See Also:

Short A Vowel Sound Worksheets

This page has a wide variety of worksheets, games, and activities for students to use to learn about words that have a short a vowel sound. Includes: cat, nap, bag, can, clam, crab, and more.

Long A Vowel Sound Worksheets

Students will learn about words with a long a sound with these fun worksheets. You will find printable word wheels, card games, cut-and-glue activities, and more. Some of the words include: skate, gate, crane, game, cake, and wave.

Complete Phonics Index

Explore other vowel sounds, consonant sounds, diphthongs, digraphs, blends, and more with this complete listing of all of our phonics units. In each unit are cut-and-glue activities, word wheels, word sliders, games, and more.

Sample Worksheet Images

Printable Phonics Worksheets - Long A, Short A Sounds

Phonics Worksheets - Long A, Short A

Long A, Short A Vowel Sound Phonics Worksheets

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Common Core Alignment