Th Sound
These phonics printables can be used to teach students about the consonant digraph /th/.

Students sort the /th/ word cards into two groups voiced (buzzing th) and unvoiced (quiet th).
1st Grade
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Trace and Say - Th FREE
Brainstorm words that begin with the letters TH on the left. Brainstorm words that end with TH on the right.
1st Grade
Use this anchor chart to show students common th- words such as bath, think, third, Earth, math, weather, clothing, and mother.
1st and 2nd Grades
Phonics Worksheets

Connect to all phonics worksheets on STW, including consonants, vowels, diphthongs, digraphs, and blends.
Mini-BooksThese 8-page mini books make learning letters and phonics fun for kids!
Dolch Sight WordsBuild reading speed by practicing basic sight words.