Learn about famous explorers and their discoveries. Explorers include Columbus, Magellan, and others.

Research a famous explorer from history. Write about his important journeys, his crew, and transportation.
3rd through 5th Grades
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Learn more about the Age of Exploration and the explorers who were part of it with this fun scavenger hunt activity.
4th through 8th Grades
Create a Chris Columbus with arms and legs that move! Cut out the arms, legs, and body, and attach with brass paper fasteners.
This worksheet has a table with information about the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Use the information in the table to answer the questions.
2nd through 4th Grades
Create an illustrated mini-book with a story about Columbus' journey to the New World.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Cut out and assemble the cipher wheel. Then use it to decode facts about Ferdinand Magellan. (We recommend printing the cipher wheel on heavy card stock.)
3rd through 6th Grades
This crossword includes clues to help students complete the puzzle using the names of explorers, places, and other terms having to do with the Age of Exploration.
5th through 8th Grades
Henry Hudson Article FREE
Cut out and assemble a cipher disk. Use it to decode several interesting facts about Henry Hudson. (We recommend you print the wheel on thick card stock paper.)
3rd through 6th Grades
Here's our full index of science and social studies topics.
Columbus Day WorksheetsPrint Columbus Day puzzles and worksheets.
Research ReportsResearch report projects include explorers, insects, Canadian provinces, US states, dinosaurs, planets, and more.