Bar Graphs
Here is a complete set of basic, intermediate, and advanced bar graph worksheets for teachers and homeschool families.

Pets Bar Graph FREE
Bar graph of pets that belong to students in a classroom; Scale counts by 1s on this free worksheet; Approximately first grade level.
2nd and 3rd Grades
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Bar graph of eggs laid by hens; Scale counts by 1s; Approximately first grade level.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Bar graph of Flowers in a garden; Scale counts by 1s; Approximately first grade level.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Create a bar graph to show how many raffle tickets were sold during the week. Approximate grade level: 3.
2nd through 4th Grades
Baseball Graph FREE
Read the free bar graph to determine how many runs were scored in a baseball game; Approximate grade level 2-3.
2nd through 4th Grades
Students will count the number of each type of instrument to complete the bar graph on this worksheet. After, there are 5 questions to answer.
2nd through 4th Grades
Graph of kids' favorite drinks; Horizontal bars with basic questions; Scale counts by 2s; Approximate grade level 2
2nd through 4th Grades
Use the information in the table to complete the bar graph and answer the questions that follow; Approximate grade level 2-3
2nd through 4th Grades
Students must graph the data, label the x and y axis, write a title, and create a scale; Approximate grade 2-3
2nd through 4th Grades
Answer the questions using information from the graph; Approximate grade level 2-3
2nd through 4th Grades
Read the favorite breakfast foods graph and answer the questions that follow; Scale counts by 3s
2nd through 4th Grades
Christina surveyed her friends to find out their favorite subject in school. The tally chart shows the results. Answer the questions and make a bar graph to show the data.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Read the bar graph and determine the number of newspaper subscriptions sold; Scale counts by 300s; Approximate grade level 3-4
2nd through 4th Grades
Bean plant growth bar graph; Scale counts by quarter inches; Approximate grades 4-6
3rd and 4th Grades
Scale on this bar graph counts by 40s; Questions are a little tougher; Approximate grades 4-6
3rd and 4th Grades
Pictograph Worksheets
The worksheets on this page contain picture graphs with symbols.
Line Graph WorksheetsThis page has worksheets on reading and creating line graphs.
Pie Graph WorksheetsHere we have a collection of circle graph (pie graph) worksheets.