Multiplication by 10s (10s Facts Only)
With these printable worksheets, students can practice multiplying by the number 10. Includes all basic facts, up to 10x10, in which at least one factor is 10.
If you're looking for worksheets with all facts from 0-10, please jump to our Basic Multiplication 0-10 page.

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For all basic multiplication facts with factors between 0 and 10, please click the link above to visit our our main basic multiplication page.
Basic Multiplication FactsThis page has worksheets with 0-10 facts, 0-12 facts, arrays, fact families, and more.
Multiplying by 9s OnlyThis page has worksheets, task cards, puzzles, flash cards, and sliders with multiplication facts that have 9 as a factor.
Multiplication by 8s OnlyHere you'll find a collection of printables with multiplication facts that have 8 as a factor.
Multiplication by 7s OnlyHere are the worksheets for learning to multiply pairs of numbers with 7 as one of the factors.