Super Teacher Worksheets

Scientific Notation

The worksheets on this page can be used to teach or review scientific notation.

Scientific Notation Worksheets

Level: Basic
Whole Numbers

Students convert the given numbers to and from scientific notation. This worksheet does not require students to use decimals.
6th through 8th Grades
Common Core
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Answer the math questions. Find sums, products, and differences. Most answers are be written in scientific notation.
6th through 8th Grades
Cut out the square-shaped number cards at the bottom of the page. Glue each number next to the equivalent in scientific notation. Basic level: whole numbers only.
6th through 8th Grades

Level: Intermediate
Includes Decimals

Answer the questions. Students will compare numbers in scientific notation. They will also solve addition and subtraction problems, and write their answers in scientific notation.
6th through 8th Grades
Convert the given numbers to and from scientific notation. This worksheet requires students to use decimals in their scientific notation numbers.
6th through 8th Grades

Level: Advanced
Decimals & Negative Exponents

Answer the questions by converting numbers to and from scientific notation.
6th through 8th Grades
Students convert numbers to an from scientific notation. This level includes negative exponents and decimal numbers.
6th through 8th Grades

See Also:


These worksheets and task cards can be used for teaching students about exponents.

Reciprocal Fractions

Practice finding the reciprocals of fractions and mixed numbers.

Math Worksheets

Super Teacher Worksheets has thousands of math worksheets, covering topics in the elementary curriculum.

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Scientific Notation Worksheets

Scientific Notation Questions (Printable)

Printable Scientific Notation Worksheets

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Common Core Alignment