Super Teacher Worksheets


Use these worksheets and task cards to help students learn about exponents. Most worksheets on this page align with Common Core Standard 6.EE.1.

Exponents Worksheets

Exponents w/ Whole
Numbers as a Base

Exponents  FREE 
Write the exponents as numbers in expanded form and standard form.
5th through 8th Grades
Common Core
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Answer the questions to demonstrate knowledge of exponents.
5th through 8th Grades
This file contains 30 task cards with exponent problems on them.
5th through 8th Grades
Compare the values of the exponents using the greater and less than symbols.
4th through 6th Grades
Find the sums, differences, and missing addends.
5th through 8th Grades
Here's another fortune teller game that requires players to find the squares of certain numbers. Color, cut, fold, and play!
5th through 7th Grades
Cut out the number tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue each number next to the equivalent exponent.
5th through 8th Grades

w/ Decimal Bases

Evaluate the expressions. Find the values of the exponents with decimal bases.
5th through 8th Grades

See Also:

Scientific Notation

Practice writing numbers in scientific notation.

Squared Numbers and Square Roots

Review squared numbers and square roots with these printables.

Place Value Worksheets

These worksheets can be used for teaching comparing numbers, ordering, and expanded form.

Pictures of Our Worksheets

Exponents Worksheets

Printable Exponents Worksheets

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Common Core Alignment