1st Grade Printable Math Worksheets
These first grade math worksheets are important in helping students learn, practice, and become comfortable using early mathematics skills. The printable activities target topics such as basic addition and subtraction, place value, ordering numbers, telling time, identifying shapes, and more. STW has free worksheets available for these 1st grade topic areas. Check out even more 1st grade math content.

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Try these addition worksheets made specially for early learners.
1st Grade Math Word ProblemsTake a look at our daily math word problems for first graders.
1st Grade Telling TimeStudents learn about analog and digital clocks and how to tell time to the hour and half hour.
1st Grade Math Buzz (Daily Math Review)Check out our daily spiral review for 1st grade math students!
1st Grade Place ValuePractice using numbers to the tens place with these printable place value worksheets.