Super Teacher Worksheets

Comparing and Ordering (5-Digits)

These activities, games, worksheets, and lessons will help students learn to compare and order numbers up to 5-digits.

Comparing 5-Digit Numbers: Worksheets

Comparing Numbers

Compare 5-digit numbers using the symbols <, >, and =. This worksheet has a total of 25 questions and includes two word problems.
3rd and 4th Grades
Common Core
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This set of 30 cards can be used for learning centers, classroom games, or with your interactive whiteboard's document reader.
3rd and 4th Grades
Use scissors to cut apart this set of math cards. Then use them to make number sentences. These work well for learning centers or small group instruction.
3rd and 4th Grades
There's a cypher key at the top of this worksheet. Kids can use it to decode the 5-digit numbers. Then compare.
3rd through 5th Grades
Printable, colorful alligator posters for teaching kids about greater than and less than.  Hang them on your classroom wall for reference, or attach magnets to the back and use them on your chalkboard when teaching students about greater than and less than.
1st through 4th Grades

Ordering Numbers

Arrange the each of the numbers in the order, from the least to the greatest.
3rd and 4th Grades
Students cut the five-digit number cards and lay them out on their desk in order from least to greatest.
3rd through 5th Grades
See also:
Place Value (5-Digit Numbers)

Here you'll find lots of printables for teaching place value. Includes value of underlined digits, expanded form, and a place value chart.

Number Detective

Can your students use their Math Detective skills to find clues that lead them to the mystery numbers?

Special Numbers

Place value worksheets that focus around a special number. For each number, kids answer place value questions, including an ordering and comparing section.

Comparing & Ordering
(6-Digit Numbers)

These activities are slightly more advanced than the 5-digit comparing and ordering printables you see on this page.

Comparing Numbers

Here's the index page that will help you navigate to all comparing and ordering worksheets on this site. Includes 2-digit numbers, 3-digit numbers, 4-digit numbers, 6-digit numbers, fractions, and decimals.

Pictures of Our Worksheets

Comparing Numbers - Task Cards

Comparing Numbers Worksheet

Ordering Numbers Printable

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Common Core Alignment