Word Family Unit (-ike Words)
Here is an assortment of printable word family resources to use with your students. This week's unit features -ike words. Word list: bike, hike, like, spike, and strike.

This printable has a handful of activities to practice identifying, reading, and writing words that end with -ike.
1st Grade
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Color the -ike words within the ovals, then write the words that match the illustrations on the right side, and lastly, circle the images on the bottom that are words ending with -ike.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cut out the -ike words at the bottom of the page and glue them in the space provided under the matching picture.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
With this worksheet, students can build their own sentences and practice their handwriting. First, they'll carefully cut out the word cards. Then, they'll arrange them to form sentences using at least one "-ike" word in each. Lastly, they'll write the sentences they came up with on the lines provided.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Write in the missing first letters for each -ike word and then write the word on the lines below.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Color in the circles to make the -ike words that match the pictures and then write the word on the lines next to it.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Use this printable graphic organizer to write some words that end with -ike. The images of a bike, a person hiking, and a hand making a thumbs up will help students figure out the words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Color in the pictures, then trace the words, and next, rewrite the words on the lines to the right.
1st Grade
How many words that end with -ike can you think up? Write them on the primary-ruled lines of this worksheet.
1st Grade
Use letter stampers and an ink pad to make the following words: hike, strike, bike, spike, and like.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Print out these pages and cut out the ten word cards. Spread them out, flip them over, and have students take turns trying to find matching
word sets.
word sets.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Print this file to make a word spinner featuring words that end with -ike. Words included are: pike, bike, strike, hike, spike, and like.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cut out this dog-shaped word slider and word strip. Thread the word strip into the slots in the middle of the dog and slide the strip up and down to form different words that end with
-ike. (Color version available via the ALT button.)
-ike. (Color version available via the ALT button.)
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Print out these pages and cut out the flashcards for this unit to help students study the -ike word family.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cut out and assemble this word wheel to make the words like, spike, bike, hike, and strike.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
We have a unit for dozens of word families, including: -ad, -ag, -am,
-ate, -aw, -ear, -eep, -end, -ew, -ice,
-ight, -ip, -oat, -ook, -ot, -ub, -ump,
and -ut.