Word Family Unit (-ere Words)
This week's word family unit has words that end in -ere. Play games, practice with flashcards, read with the word slider to build up your reading skills. Words in this unit include: here, there, where, and were.

Use these 25 word cards to create your own sentences using at least one "-ere" word per sentence. Write the sentences you come up with on the provided lines as you go.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
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Use letter stampers and an ink pad to make the following words: here, where, were, and there.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Flashcards (-ere) FREE
Print out these pages to cut out the four different flashcards for the -ere word family unit.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Print out the word wheel (on card stock paper for best results). Use a paper fastener to attach the two wheels together and spin to read each of the words that end with -ere.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
This page has a listing of numerous other word family units, including: -ad, -ake, -and, -ate, -ay, -eat, -eel, -ent, -est, -in, -ink, -op, -ot, -ub, -ump,
and -un.