Super Teacher Worksheets
Article Submissions
We are currently not accepting new submissions.
Do you accept submissions?
Unfortunately we are not accepting submissions at this time. We are a little swamped with more work than we can handle at this time. Please check back and we will update this page when we are once again able to accept submissions.
What topics are you looking for?
For fiction, we're looking for stories with memorable characters and kid-friendly themes. We'd especially like to see more multicultural stories and stories that teach a lesson.
For nonfiction, we are looking to add more science and social studies reading comprehension passages to the website.
Here are some science topics we'd like to have more articles on:
  • ecosystems
  • biomes (tundra, forest, grassland, desert, tropical rainforest, etc.)
  • erosion
  • soil types
  • water cycle
  • weather events (thunderstorms, lightning, blizzard, etc.)
  • seed dispersal
  • physical versus chemical changes in matter
  • heat energy
  • light
  • sound
  • kinetic versus potential energy
Here are some social studies topics we'd like to have more articles on:
  • ancient civilizations (Egypt, Greece, Rome, China)
  • explorers
  • landforms
  • needs vs. wants
  • supply vs. demand
  • Native Americans
  • Colonial America
  • American Revolution
  • Constitution
  • Branches of Government
  • Civil War
  • World War I and World War II
We are interested in historical biographies, such as the Founding Fathers (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, etc.)
We'd also like more black history biographies (Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, etc.)
And we'd also like to see some more U.S. presidential biographies.
How long should the reading passage submissions be?
Generally, the reading passages we use are quite short. Below we've listed several sample reading passages, along with a word length guideline, to give you an idea of what we've published for each grade in the past.
Please note: We write our own reading comprehension questions, vocabulary activities, and writing prompts for stories we publish. When you submit, do not include these items with your fiction or nonfiction piece.
1st Grade - approximately 90 words; Simple vocabulary
Fiction reference: 1st-rhyming-game.pdf
Fiction reference: 1st-ian-builds-a-snowman.pdf
2nd Grade - approximately 150 words
Fiction reference: 2nd-planetrip.pdf
Fiction reference: 2nd-sleepybear.pdf
3rd Grade - approximately 200 words
Fiction reference: 3rd-time-capsule.pdf
Non-Fiction reference: 3rd-martin-luther-king.pdf
4th Grade - approximately 250 Words
Fiction reference: 4th-diary-dancer.pdf
Non-Fiction reference: 4th-coral-reefs.pdf
5th Grade - approximately 300 words; More complex vocabulary and meaning
Fiction reference: 5th-the-garden.pdf
Non-Fiction reference: 5th-the-magic-of-rainbows.pdf
How much will I be paid?
We pay $40 for each reading passage we publish on the website.
Submission to our website does not guarantee that we will publish your work. You will only receive compensation if we publish your work on our website. We will contact you if we are interested in your submission(s).
We pay either through PayPal or personal check (U.S. only).
Can I submit published works?
No. All entries must be original, unpublished works. If we accept an entry and use it on our website, you cannot submit it for publication anywhere else. We want Super Teacher Worksheets material to be original and exclusive to our website.
Official, Legal Terms of Submission
When you accept payment, you are selling us exclusive rights to your work. This is a work-for-hire agreement.
By providing your PayPal address, or other payment information, you represent and agree to the following:
You are the sole author and sole proprietor of all rights in and to the Submission. The Submission is original and contains no material from other copyrighted or unpublished works. The Submission does not violate or infringe any personal or property rights of others.
You have full power and authority to enter into this Submission Agreement. The Submission will not be provided to others for publication, and/or included in other websites.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless T.P.W. Websites, LLC, its members, agents, representatives and employees from any losses, damages, costs and/or expenses for any and all claims, lawsuits, demands, or legal action, arising out of and/or related to or connected to the Submission, and/or any breach of this Submission Agreement.
Submission Instructions
Please submit one sample piece, attached to an email, to Send your file as either a Microsoft Word or Open Office document. Do not include any images with your text. Indicate which grade level your story targets, as well as an approximate number of words.
If we are interested in your work, we will contact you regarding payment.
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