Spanish Vocabulary Activities & Worksheets (Basic)
Print out worksheets and flashcards for teaching basic Spanish nouns in the classroom and at home. Resources cover body parts, pets, clothing, emotions, food, family, shapes, colors, and more en español!

Teach students Spanish using this free worksheet! Cut and fold these flashcards and use them to practice Spanish vocabulary. Words include el brazo, la boca, el dedo, del pie, los dientes, la mano, la nariz, el pelo, la pierna, los ojos, la oreja, el pie, and el dedo.
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Cut out the body part words and glue them next to the correct illustration. Words include el pelo, el brazo, la boca, el dedo, del pie, los dientes, los ojos, la mano, la nariz, la pierna, la oreja, el pie, and el dedo.
Read, color, and say the body parts pictured. Includes hands, feet, hair, eyes, ears, toe, finger, arm, leg, and face.
Cut and fold these flashcards and use them to practice Spanish vocabulary. Words include el bosque las botas, la linterna, la malvaviscos, la mochila, el perro caliente, el saco de dormir, and la tienda.
Cut out the words and glue them next to each camping-related picture. Pictures include a flashlight, sleeping bag, tent, marshmallow, and campfire.
Read, color, and say the camping items in the illustrations. Includes a tent, marshmallow, campfire, flashlight, boots, and tent.
This set of six flashcards features items of clothing. Learn to say shirt, pants, dress, skirt, and gloves.
This set of six flashcards features items of clothing. Learn to say socks, boots, scarf, shorts, sweater, and jacket.
Write a word to match each clothing picture. Words include la camisa, los pantalones, los guantes, and el vestido.
Write the correct word to match each clothing picture. Pictures and words include las botas, los pantalones cortos el abrigo, los calcetines, la bufanda, and el suéter.
Color the pictures and read the words. Includes los pantalones, el sombrero, el vestido, la camisa, la falda, and los guantes.
These flashcards have pictures and names of family members. Words include el tÃo, el padre, el hermano, la prima, la tÃa, la nieta, el hijo, el abuel, la hija, el padre, la madre, el primo.
Cut, color, and fold to make a set of Spanish food vocabulary cards. Foods include la manzana, el jugo de manzana, el plátano, el pan, el queso, el pollo, la fruta, el leche and el naranja. Nine cards in all.
Flashcards: Food 2 FREE
Cut, fold, and color to create a set of graphical Spanish food flashcards. Words and pictures include el jugo de naranja, las legumbres, el limón, la limonada, la ensalada, el sándwich, la sopa, el agua, and las uvas. There are nine cards in all in this free Spanish vocabulary worksheet set.
Write a word to tell what's shown in each picture. Words include la fruta, el limonada, las legumbres, el jugo de uvas, and el limón.
Write the words to match the pictures. Words include la ensalada, el sándwich, el agua, la naranja, la leche, and la sopa.
Food Pictures 1 FREE
Read the Spanish words and color the pictures. Words include el agua, la ensalada, la fruta, el jugo de manzana, el jugo de naranja, la leche, and las legumbres.
Read the Spanish words and color the pictures. Words include el limón, la limonada, la manzana, la naranja, el pan, and el pollo.
Count the bakery items shown. Cut and glue the correct Spanish number below the items. Includes numbers one through ten.
Numbers (0-100) FREE
This worksheet has the numbers 0 through 100 written in Spanish. Use the number table to answer the number questions.
This set of six flashcards features pet words and pictures. Learn to say dog, cat, turtle, bird, rabbit, and fish.
Write the Spanish word for each pet shown, then find the vocabulary words hidden in the wordsearch puzzle.
Write a word to match each animal picture. Words include el gato, el pez, el conejo, el perro, el pájaro, and la tortuga.
Color the pictures and read the words. Includes el perro, el pez, la tortuga, el conejo, el gato and el pájaro.
Cut and fold these flashcards and use them to practice Spanish vocabulary. Words include enojado, confundido, content, triste, and more.
Cut out the words and glue them next to each emotion-related picture. Pictures include happy, shy, bored, silly, and more.
Read the words that go with each picture. Then color the pictures. You can practice saying each word too.
Here's a set of twelve word-picture flashcards with common school supplies. Cut, color, fold, and practice learning new words.
Write a word to match each school supply picture. Words include el escritorio, el lápiz, los crayones, el globo, la goma, and el libro.
Write the correct word to match each school supply picture. Words include la mochila, el cuaderno, la regla, la pluma, el pegamento, and el papel.
Color the pictures and read the words. Includes el escritorio, el globo, la goma, el cuaderno, la regla, la pluma, el pegamento, el papel, and la mochila.
Cut and fold these flashcards and use them to practice shape vocab. Words include el círculo, el óvalo, el cubo , el cono, el cuadrado, la estrella, el octágono, el trapezoide, el rombo and el triangulo.
Cut out the shape words and glue them next to the correct illustrations. Words include circle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, star, heart, cube, cone, and octagon.
Read, color, and say the shapes. Includes triangle, circle, square, heart, star, rectangle, cube, and cone.
Maps of Mexico & South America
Color and label the blank maps. We have maps of Mexico and South America.
Spanish Reading (Basic)Basic Spanish reading and comprehension questions.