Super Teacher Worksheets

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

On this page you'll find a collection of printable worksheets and activities that you can use with the story, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. This classic, must-read picture book was written by Laura Numeroff and illustrated by Felicia Bond

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie - Worksheets


Play a memory game in which students match objects from the book. Pairs of cards show: mouse, cookie, milk, fridge, and crayons.
Pre-K and Kindergarten
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Match the pictures with the words. Use these cards to play a memory match game, or for small group reading instruction.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade

Cut and Glue Activities

Look at the picture and write what mouse wants. Then color, assemble, and read the book.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Cut out the words at the bottom of the page. Glue each word next to the correct picture. Word list: cookie, pen, crayons, milk, mouse, tape.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Color the picture. Cut out the words and arrange them in order to make a sentence. Write the sentence.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Cut out the square word cards and arrange them on the table to make different sentences. Write the sentences on the primary-ruled worksheet.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Cut out the mouse pictures and attach each one to a popsicle stick to make a puppet.
Pre-K through 2nd Grade
Kids will love these adorable mouse finger puppets.
Pre-K through 2nd Grade

Parent Note

This note can be printed and sent home with students. It says, "Today we read a silly story in class titled, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Ask me about all of the things the mouse wanted in the story. (For a black-and-white version of this file, click the alt button below.)
Pre-K through 1st Grade


Complete the cause-effect graphic organizer with details from the story.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Trace the words from the book. Then try writing them. Words include: mouse, cookie, milk, straw, and tape.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Find the words hidden in the puzzle. Words include: mouse, cookie, crayons, milk, straw, mirror, and thirsty. Words are hidden vertically and horizontally.
2nd and 3rd Grades

Coloring Pages

Color the cute little mouse from the story.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Color this picture of a small mouse looking into a mirror.
Pre-K through 1st Grade

Word Wall
Pocket Chart

Cut apart these word strips and use them in your pocket chart or add them to your class word wall. Words include: mouse, cookie, milk, straw, napkin, mirror, broom, book, and crayons.
Pre-K and Kindergarten
See also:
Pre-K and Kindergarten Worksheets

We have hundreds of Pre-K and Kindergarten worksheets. Topics include alphabet, phonics, colors, early literacy, basic addition, counting, and more.

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This page has a collections of worksheets to go along with the book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle.

More Picture Book Units

This page has a complete list of all picture book literacy units available on our website.

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If you give a mouse a cookie worksheets

worksheets to use with if you give a mouse a cookie

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