Super Teacher Worksheets

R-Controlled Vowels

R-Controlled Vowel Worksheets

/är/ as in Car, Farm, and Park

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /är/ Spelled with ar, as in Car

These printables will help you teach the /är/ vowel sound that is heard in words like car, hard, and march.

/ôr/ as in Horn, Short, and Storm

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /ôr/ Spelled with or, as in Horn

These printables cover the /ôr/ vowel sound, spelled with the letters or. Words in this set set include for, short, and storm.

/ûr/ as in Her, Bird, and Surf

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /ûr/ Spelled with er, ir, and ur

These worksheets have the /ûr/ sound spelled all three different ways. It is spelled er as in herd, ir as in girl, and ur as in curl. Each activity includes all three spellings.

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /ûr/ Spelled with er, as in Her

These printables cover the /ûr/ vowel sound, spelled with the letters er. Words in this set include her, term, and germ.

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /ûr/ Spelled with ir, as in Bird

These printables cover the /ûr/ vowel sound, spelled with the letters ir. Words in this set include bird, third, and swirl.

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /ûr/ Spelled with ur, as in Fur

These worksheets will help students learn about the /ûr/ vowel sound, spelled with the letters ur. Words in this set set include fur, curl, and surf.

/âr/ as in Bear, There, and Pear

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /âr/ as in Hair

Learn about the /âr/ sound with these printable resources. Words in this unit include: hare, bear, wear, air, where, and there.

/îr/ as in Deer, Steer, and Clear

R-Controlled Vowel Sound: /îr/ as in Deer

These worksheets, flash cards, and word circles feature words with the /îr/ sound. Words in the unit include deer, here, clear, near, and fear.

See also:
More Phonics Worksheets

This is our complete phonics index page. Find worksheets related to consonant sounds, long and short vowel sounds, blends, diphthongs, and digraphs.

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