R-Controlled Vowels: /ûr/ Spelled ir
These printable worksheets, word wheels, and activities can be used to teach students about the r-controlled vowel sound /ûr/, spelled ir. Words in this set include bird, girl, dirt and first.

Cut out the pictures and sort them on the t-chart. On one side, place pictures/words with the /ûr/ sound (spelled ir). Words in this set include: bird, girl, first, and shirt.
1st and 2nd Grades
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Use this worksheet to help students practice recognizing words with the /ûr/ sound that are spelled with an ir.
1st and 2nd Grades
Flash cards have following words: bird, girl, stir, dirt, firm, third, first, shirt, skirt, fir, sir, flirt, twirl, swirl, chirp, and squirm
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Print this PDF on heavy card stock for best results. Make a word wheel. Spin the wheel and read the words bird, skirt, third, shirt, first, stir, dirt, girl, and firm.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Browse STW's collection of worksheets and activities for teaching students about r-controlled vowels. Sounds include: /är/ (as in hard), /ôr/ (as in for), and /ûr/ (as in bird).