R-Controlled Vowel Sound /ûr/ Spelled ur
These printable phonics worksheets, word wheels, and activities can be used to teach students about the r-controlled vowel sound /ûr/, spelled ur. Words in this set include fur, burn, and turn.

Students are given eight lists of four words and asked to circle the word in each list with the /ûr/ sound. Then the teacher will read two words for the students to spell themselves.
1st and 2nd Grades
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Students will search for the words with the
/ûr/ sound spelled ur. Then they'll color in the circles the words are in.
/ûr/ sound spelled ur. Then they'll color in the circles the words are in.
1st and 2nd Grades
Cut and sort the words that have the /ûr/ sound spelled with the letters ur and the other words.
1st and 2nd Grades
Word list: fur, curl, turn, hurt, burn, burst, purr, blur, curb, church, nurse, turtle, purple, and turkey
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Print on thick paper. Build the wheel, then spin to read. Words include: curl, fur, hurt, purr, burst, and turn.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
STW has a massive collection of resources for teaching r-controlled vowels. Sounds include: /är/ (as in hard), /ôr/ (as in for), and /ûr/ (as in bird).