Idioms are words or phrases that are not taken literally. These worksheets feature common idioms that your students should be familiar with.

Defining Idioms FREE
This two-page worksheet contains pictures of idioms. Students must use the idiom in a sentence and tell what the sentence means. Includes phrases such as, "Down to Earth," and "Taking a Big Step."
2nd through 4th Grades
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Choose the best idiom from the word box to complete each sentence. Includes phrases such as, "cold shoulder," "feeling blue," "early bird," and "pushing the envelope."
2nd through 4th Grades
Choose the best words to complete each sentence. Phrases include, "In Hot Water," "Lend a Hand," "Hit the Sack," and "Kick the Bucket."
2nd through 4th Grades
This fun poem is filled with idioms. Find and define the idioms, then answer the questions.
2nd through 4th Grades
This two-page printable is a list defining sixteen common English idioms. Phrases include, "top of the world," big money," "time flies," "good sport," "fed up," and "eat your words."
2nd through 4th Grades
Similes are comparisons using the words like and as. Metaphors are comparisons that do not use like or as.