Super Teacher Worksheets

Frog Life Cycle

These worksheets will help students learn about frog metamorphosis from egg to tadpole to adult frog.

Frog Life Cycle Worksheets


This is a picture of a frog's life cycle that students can color.
English and Spanish Versions Available
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Several fill-in-the-blank questions about frogs and frog life cycles; includes a word bank
2nd through 5th Grades
Some short-answer thinking questions about a frog's life cycle
2nd through 4th Grades


Students search the room to find frog facts
2nd through 4th Grades
Cut, staple, color, and read the frog life cycle mini-book.
2nd through 4th Grades
Spin the wheel and watch the frog change from an egg to a tadpole to an adult frog.

Reading Comprehension Articles

Some short-answer thinking questions about a frog's life cycle
4th Grade
This short passage is about the wood frog, an interesting animal that hibernates by freezing. Teach your students about this animal and have them answer the questions to test their reading comprehension skills.
3rd Grade


Sing this entertaining song to remember the stages of a frog's life cycle.
Sing this fantastic froggy life cycle song.
Another song to teach stages of a frog's life.
See also:
Animal Articles

Dozens of different articles on various animal species

Butterfly Life Cycle

Printable worksheets on the life cycle of a butterfly

Sample Worksheet Images

Frog Life Cycle Activities - Scavenger Hunt

Frog Life Cycle Worksheets

Frog Life Cycle Reading Comprehension

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