Super Teacher Worksheets

French Worksheets (Basic Nouns)

Learn basic French with these printable flashcards and worksheets.

French Worksheets for Kids

Farm Animals
(Les animaux de la ferme)

Cut, fold, color and learn with these French farm animal flashcards. un cheva, le cheval, le cochon, le coq, le chien, le mouton, la vache, la poule, le chat, and le canard.
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Cut out the farm animal words and glue each next to the correct illustration.
Write the French word for each farm animal shows. Animals include horse, pig, duck, hen, rooster, sheep, and cat.
Color and read. This page contains pictures of farm animals with French labels.

Body Parts
(Parties du corps)

Cut, fold, color and learn with these French farm animal flashcards. un bras, une bouche, un doigt de pied, une dents, une main, un nez, un cheveux, une jambe, un yeux, and une oreille.
Cut out the human body words and glue each next to the correct picture.
Write the French word for each body part shown. Words include hand, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.
Color and read. This page contains pictures of body parts with French word labels.

(Les animaux domestiques)

Write the French word for each animal picture shown. Then find the words in the word search. Words include: la tortue, le poisson, le chien, l'oiseau, le chat, and le cheval.

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Sample Worksheet Images

French Worksheets - Animals

French Worksheets - Body Parts - Cut and Glue

French Worksheets - Write the Word

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