Counting Backwards From 100
Practice reverse counting (counting backwards) from 2-digit numbers. This page has cut-and-glue activities, as well as some fill-in-the-number worksheets.
Cut out the numbers at the bottom of the page and glue them into the correct boxes. Count backwards from two-digit numbers. (example: 27-26-25-24-23-22-21)
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
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Fill in the empty boxes with two-digit numbers. Count backwards from 27, 87, 51, and 99.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Count backwards from 36 to help the mouse find the cheese.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Travel through space on a rocket ship by counting backwards from 20. Write the missing numbers in the circles.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Print out this counting worksheet to practice counting backwards from 83 to 64. Write the missing numbers in the planet circles as you count in reverse.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Here are some simpler worksheets on reverse counting.
More Counting WorksheetsSTW has worksheets on counting to 10, 100, and beyond. We also have skip counting worksheets.