Super Teacher Worksheets

Colonial America Worksheets (13 Colonies)

Printable maps, worksheets, poems, and games for learning about the 13 American colonies.

Colonial America Worksheets - 13 Colonies

Worksheets and Activities

Students search the classroom for hidden colonial America fact cards. They use the information on the cards to answer the questions on the question sheet.
4th Grade
Common Core
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Colonial Americans had many different jobs. Tell what each person does for a living. Jobs include wheelwright, blacksmith, miller, milliner, tanner, apothecary, cooper, cobbler, silversmith, gunsmith, and tailor.
4th Grade
This crossword features jobs that were once commonly held by colonial Americans. Use the clues to figure out where in the puzzle each word goes.
3rd through 5th Grades
This file contains three Venn Diagrams. First, compare and contrast schools today to schools in colonial times. Then, compare and contrast the New England Colonies to the Southern Colonies. Next, compare occupations in colonial times to occupations today.
4th Grade
Use the given data to make a line graph to show population growth in the American colonies during the 1700s. Then use the information in the graph to answer the questions.
4th Grade

13 Colonies Word Search

Can you find each of the 13 Colonies hidden in the puzzle? Write the name of each colony on the blank lines and circle it in the word search.
4th Grade
Search for colonial occupations in the puzzle. Complete each sentence with a word from the word find.
4th Grade

Poems and Reading Comprehension

This reading comprehension article describes the hardships of settling and living in colonial America.
4th Grade
This is a cute poem about a girl who wishes she had a butter churn in her kitchen.
4th Grade
This poem shows how hard it was to live on the frontier long ago. Milking cows, darning socks, and hemming a dress were some of the many household chores.
4th Grade


This 1775 map of colonial America shows the names of the thirteen colonies.
4th Grade
Students write the names of each colony on this blank colonial map.
4th Grade
This 1775 map includes Massachusetts (including Maine), New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
4th Grade
This 1775 map includes New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.
4th Grade
This 1775 map includes Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
4th Grade
See also:
American Revolution

Use these worksheets to teach students about the American Revolution. Includes maps of important battles, question worksheets, and articles.

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Social Studies Worksheets

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Sample Worksheet Images

Colonial America Worksheets - Reading Comprehension

Colonial America Worksheets - Thirteen Colonies Map

Colonial America Worksheets - Occupations Matching

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Common Core Alignment