Super Teacher Worksheets


On this page there are a variety of worksheets and activities that you can print to teach your students about the State of Virginia.

State of Vermont Worksheets


On this printable worksheet, students will color in the state flag, flower, and bird of Virginia.
3rd through 5th Grades
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This printable worksheet is a labeled color map of Virginia. Large cities, bodies of water, mountains, and neighboring states are labeled. A black and white version is also available (ALT version).
4th and 5th Grades
Students can label and color this blank map of Virginia.
This Virginia map has dots for cities. Students write the name of the major cities, bordering states, and rivers. Then color the map according to the instructions on page two.
This Virginia map includes the labels for Richmond, Roanoke, Norfolk, Arlington, and Virginia Beach. Also shows Smith Mountain Lake, the James River, the Potomac Rover, the Rappahannock River, Chesapeake Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean.
This blank map of Virginia does not include bordering states.

Flags & Seals

Students can use this page to familiarize themselves with Virginia's flag.
3rd through 5th Grades
Print off this page and have students color in the Virginia flag.
3rd through 5th Grades
You can use this printout as a visual aid while teaching students about the state of Virginia.
3rd through 5th Grades
Use this page with your class to show them what the Virginia state seal looks like. You can have them color it in too.
3rd through 5th Grades

Reading Comprehension

The most-famous son of Virginia is perhaps George Washington. Teach students about him with this article and set of reading comprehension questions.
4th Grade
One of just two national cemeteries run by the U.S. Army, Arlington National Cemetery is perhaps the most well-known final resting place in the United States.
4th and 5th Grades
Although it's often considered part of Washington, D.C., the Pentagon is actually located in Virginia. Learn more about the building with this article and worksheet.
4th Grade
Read about how the hills and valleys of the Appalachian Mountains formed over millions of years, and then how they helped to form Appalachia.
4th Grade


Your students will have fun learning new facts about the State of Virginia while solving this cryptogram puzzle.
4th and 5th Grades
Students will search through the jumbled letters to find words such as: Roanoke, Potomac River, Norfolk, Luray Caverns, Chincoteague, and Appalachian Trail.
3rd through 6th Grades
Print out this word scramble activity for your students to work on for the state of Virginia. Find out the state fish largest city, state nickname, and other state symbols.
3rd through 6th Grades

Mystery State Activities

Miss Peabody spent time touring Jefferson's Monticello and Arlington National Cemetery... but she doesn't know what state she's in.
4th through 6th Grades
After figuring out which state is shown on this worksheet, answer the questions at the bottom of the page.
4th and 5th Grades
Can your students figure out who this mystery person is? Hints include that he helped establish the University of Virginia and served as a governor to the state.
4th through 6th Grades

See Also:

Full List of 50 States

This directory lists all of the US states in alphabetical order and the links to all of their pages.

50 States and Capitals

It's easy to learn about the fifty states and capitals with worksheets from this page.

Index - Social Studies

Some of the topics you can find on this index page include: explorers, economics, notable people, women's history, and much more.

Sample Worksheet Images

State of Virginia - Puzzles and Activities

State of Virginia Worksheets

Virginia Worksheets - State Symbols

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