Here is your science-themed spelling list: scientist, ecosystem, chemist, biologist, environment, fossil, microscope, genome, carbon dioxide, cellular, organism, experiment, laboratory, molecule, photosynthesis, electron, astronomer, Isaac Newton, energy, oxygen, hypothesis, atom, Albert Einstein, graduated cylinder, and hydrogen.
5th Grade
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Worksheets and Activities
Here's an activity your students can do to practice their science-themed spelling words. Answer phonics questions, write a spelling word for each definition, unscramble the spelling words, and complete the sentence. An answer key is included.
5th Grade
Students must circle the spelling word in each sentence and decide whether the word is misspelled. If it is spelled incorrectly, students must write the spelling word correctly on the line provided.
5th Grade
Review the words from this theme unit with a fun puzzle! This crossword includes science spelling words like astronomer, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, molecule, electron, microscope, and more.
5th Grade
Challenge your students to find all the spelling words in this word search puzzle. An answer key is included.
5th Grade
Here is a fun word search activity for your students to work on. Students search for their science-themed spelling words horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. An answer key is included.
5th Grade
Use this fun activity to make your own word search puzzle! Hide your spelling words in the grid vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, then have a friend solve your puzzle!
5th Grade
In this printable spelling activity, students will need to unscramble each of their spelling words. An answer key is included.
5th Grade
Write each word two times.
5th Grade
This typing activity has twelve science words from this spelling unit to type sentences for. Words included are: experiment, environment, microscope, oxygen, biologist, scientist, and laboratory.
5th Grade
Here is a set of printable flashcards you can use with this science-themed fifth grade spelling unit.
5th Grade