2nd Grade Spelling Unit B-9
2nd Grade spelling Unit B-9 is focused on words with a long o sound. Word list: home, boat, also, nose, bowl, goes, own, goal, snow, joke, foam, and float.

This weeks spelling unit is focused on words with the long o sound. Learn how to spell words such as joke, snow, and bowl.
2nd Grade
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Read each sentence. Write the correct spelling word in the blank to complete the sentence.
2nd Grade
Practice writing each of this weeks spelling words two times! Words include joke,foam, and also.
2nd Grade
Students will practice their typing skills by typing their spelling words on a word processor, such as Microsoft Word or GoogleDocs.
2nd Grade
Here is a set of 15 flashcards to help your students prepare for this week's spelling test. The number of ways you use these printable spelling flashcards is only limited by the imagination, so be creative. Your students will master this week's spelling words.
2nd Grade
First, print the word wheels on card stock. Then Cut out the word wheels. Attach the two parts together with a brass paper fastener. Use the wheel to play a fun spelling game.
2nd Grade
Print, cut out, and put together this ladybug-themed word slider featuring words from spelling Unit B-9. (ALT button has a color version of this slider.)
2nd Grade
Write spelling words alphabetically. The word list is broken into smaller groups of 2, 3, and 4 words.
2nd Grade
Need to use this week's spelling words in a sentence? This worksheet is a great accompaniment to the spelling test.
2nd Grade
Here's a complete list of all words in the second grade spelling series. Includes all 30 phonics units, plus holiday units, as well as theme units.
Word list for spelling Unit B-10: crab, snap, flame, black, swimming, fast, sweep, fact, grams, trip, brush, and stove.
2nd Grade Spelling (Index)From this page, you can jump over to any unit in the entire STW 2nd grade spelling curriculum.