Super Teacher Worksheets

Spatial Relationships Worksheets

Use these printable worksheets and activities to teach students the meanings of the spatial relationship words, including: above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.

Spatial Relationships Worksheets

Fill-in-the-Blank Worksheets

Practice spatial relationships with some familiar school-themed scenes.
Common Core
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Use the words in the box to complete the sentences based on the pictures of the vehicles.
Use a word from the box to describe the location of the dog or cat. Example: The kitten is next to the tree.

Cut & Glue Activities

Cut out the words at the bottom of the page and glue them to the space in the correct sentence.
Practice spatial relationships with these turtle images and sentences. Cut the words out and glue them in the correct sentences.
See also:
PreK and Kindergarten Worksheets

This page has a variety of printables for PreK and Kindergarten students. Topics include counting, colors, right and left, scissor skills, color-by-number, and more.

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Spatial Relationships Worksheets

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Common Core Alignment