Super Teacher Worksheets

Right and Left Worksheets

The worksheets on this page can be used for teaching students the difference between right and left.

Left and Right Worksheets


Trace the words right and left. Write the words right and left. Color the left hand blue. Color the right hand red.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
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Right-Left Shapes

Students are directed to color the left or right picture for each set. (example: Color the heart on the left. Color the triangle on the right.)
Pre-K and Kindergarten
Read the directions for each set of shapes. Color the correct picture for each. (example: Color the star on the right. Color the smile face on the left.)
Pre-K and

Right or Left?

Is the apple on the left or the right? On which side is the orange?
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Are the socks on the right or left? Is the shirt on the right or left?
Pre-K and
On which side is the tent? How about the backpack?
Pre-K and
Is the crab on the right or the left? On which side is the seashell?

Right and Left Cut-Outs

Students cut out the food and drink pictures and glue them into the correct right or left box. The pictures are great for coloring, too!
Pre-K and Kindergarten
Cut out the letter and number pictures and glue them into the boxes labeled right and left.
Pre-K and Kindergarten

Right, Left, Middle

Pets  FREE 
Color the animal on the right green. Color the animal on the left brown. Color the animal in the middle red.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Use a blue crayon to color the ball on the right. Use an orange crayon to color the ball on the left. Use a yellow crayon to color the ball in the middle.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
With a green crayon, color the fruit on the right. With a yellow crayon, color the fruit on the left. With a purple crayon, color the fruit in the middle.
Pre-K and
The milk carton, on the right, is blue. The lemonade, on the left, is yellow. The water, in the middle, is blue.
Pre-K through 1st Grade


Give this printable award to students with a solid understanding of the concepts of right and left.
See also:
Pre-K and Kindergarten Worksheets

THis page has lots of activities, games, and worksheets for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students. Topics include the alphabet, counting to 20, basic shapes, patterns, rhymes, and more.

Color-by-Number Worksheets

Review letters and numbers with these fun color-by-number activities.

Phonics Worksheets

STW has hundreds of printable phonics worksheets for early readers.

Sample Worksheet Images

Determine left or right worksheet

Right Left and Middle Worksheets

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