Learn all about Mesopotamia and the early civilizations that existed there with these worksheets. We have puzzles, vocabulary cards, reading comprehension articles, and more.

18 words are hidden in this fun puzzle. Who can find Nineveh, cuneiform, Sargon, Akkadians, and civilization the fastest?
2nd through 8th Grades
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Students can test their vocabulary and history knowledge by filling in the 16 criss-crossing clues. The optional word bank contains other relevant terms to prevent guessing.
4th through 6th Grades
This worksheet includes 12 essential facts about ancient Mesopotamia. Students will use the word bank to fill in the blanks with words like Assyrians, Sumer, Hammurabi, irrigation, and more.
4th through 6th Grades
This file contains 19 words, names, and places that every student should know when learning about ancient Mesopotamia!
4th through 6th Grades
The Code of Ur-Nammu may have been older than Hammurabi's, but it wasn't as full. Find out more about some of the oldest laws in the world, then answer several comprehension and vocabulary questions.
3rd through 5th Grades
This 4,000-year-old story is the oldest to be put to writing that has ever been discovered. Learn about it and even older non-literary texts, then answer 5 questions.
3rd through 5th Grades
What made the Fertile Crescent so fertile? Readers will learn that the kinds of animals and plants native to the area also made it ripe for kicking off civilization - and how it's changed since then!
4th and 5th Grades
The Fertile Crescent FREE
This colorful reference map shows the extent of the Fertile Crescent, which many historians and geographers believe encompassed both Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Alternate black-and-white version available.
1st through 8th Grades
Students will learn lots of fun facts about ancient Mesopotamia with this engaging activity that gets learners out of their seats and moving.
4th through 8th Grades
This index page has links to all of our social studies topics, including other ancient civilizations like Rome and Greece, branches of government, the American Revolution, and more.