Super Teacher Worksheets

Mental Math: Adding 10 & Multiples of 10

Use models and/or mental math to add 10, or multiples of 10, to any 2-digit number. This page has printable worksheets, task cards, and flashcards.

Adding 10 and Multiples of 10 Worksheets

Adding 10

Use a free hundreds chart worksheet to add 10 to each of the numbers shown.
1st Grade
Common Core
Multiple Versions Available
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Using mental math, add 10 to each 2-digit number. This worksheet has 8 horizontal problems and 2 word problems.
1st Grade
THese task cards have place value blocks and partial hundreds charts. Use the models or mental math to solve. 30 cards in all. Great for learning centers, classroom scavenger hunts, exit slips, or peer practice sessions.
1st Grade
Use mental math to add 10 more to each 2-digit number. This page has 26 vertical and horizontal problems.
1st Grade
Add 10 to the double-digit numbers. Then compare the sums.
example: 55 + 10 > 10 + 52
2nd and 3rd Grades

Adding Multiples of 10

Use the partial hundreds chart to practice adding 2-digit numbers to multiples of 10.
(Example: 34+20=54)
1st and 2nd Grades
This PDF contains 8 horizontal problems and 2 math stories (word problems).
1st and 2nd Grades
This file has 30 illustrated task cards. Students use the pictures of place value blocks and hundreds charts to add multiples of 10.
(example: 49+30)
1st and 2nd Grades
Add multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers. There are 18 horizontal and 8 vertical problems.
(example: 54+30=84)
1st and 2nd Grades
Compare addition problems with multiples of 10.
example: 34 + 30 < 43 + 20
2nd and 3rd Grades

See Also:

More Addition Worksheets

STW has hundreds of printables for teaching all levels of basic and multi-digit addition.

Sample Worksheet Images

Adding 10 Worksheets

Adding 10 Worksheets - Task Cards

Adding 10 Worksheets (with Hundreds Chart)

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Common Core Alignment