Super Teacher Worksheets

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We add new printable worksheets, games, and teaching tools all the time! This page highlights some of our most recent additions to the site.

4,404 new files added over the past 365 days.

(added February 6, 2025)
Complete this advanced puzzle by changing one letter at a time. Students will start with the word type and end with the word mitt.
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New Advanced Word Ladder: Type to Mitt Worksheet
(added February 6, 2025)
This advanced puzzle requires students to change letters one at a time to get from the word cone to the word rack.
New Advanced Word Ladder: Cone to Rack Worksheet
(added February 6, 2025)
To complete this puzzle, change one letter at a time to get from the sky to mop.
New Intermediate Word Ladder: Sky to Mop Worksheet
(added February 6, 2025)
Change one letter at a time to get from the word dog to cat.
New Intermediate Word Ladder: Dog to Cat Worksheet
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(added February 6, 2025)
This worksheet is the perfect practice for students working on fractions on a number line. First students will label blank number lines with the correct fraction. Next students will identify the fraction of points on a number line.
New Identify Fractions on a Number Line  Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Get more practice with independent and dependent variables in relation to tables, word problems, and ordered pairs.
New Independent & Dependent Variables Task Cards Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Use this worksheet to practice writing equations and identifying the dependent and independent variables in the given scenarios.
New Determine Independent and Dependent Variables <br>and Write Equations Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Use the word problems on this page to practice identifying both dependent and independent variables.
New Identifying Independent and Dependent Variables Practice Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Create one-step algebraic expressions with a variable to represent each of the given situations.
New Writing 1-Step Expressions Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Play this fun and engaging game with your students to have them practice finding equivalent expressions.
New Identifying Equivalent Expressions (I Have...Who Has) Worksheet
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(added January 30, 2025)
Match the equivalent expressions by combining like terms, simplifying, or using the distributive property.
New Identify Equivalent Expressions (Matching) Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
With this worksheet, students will determine which four expressions are equivalent and circle the one that is not. Students may need to simplify expressions, use the distributive property, or combine like terms to find the correct answers.
New Identify Equivalent Expressions (Multiple Choice) Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Use the given word problems to write expressions using variables.
New Writing 2-Step Expressions with Variables Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Use this anchor chart to help students understand independent and dependent variables in relation to equations, tables, graphs, and word problems.
New Independent & Dependent Variables Anchor Chart Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Complete each horizontal table using the word problems and equations given. Then identify what the independent and dependent variables represent.
New Making Horizontal Tables from Equations (Independent & Dependent Variables) Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Use the equations and word problems to complete each table and identify what the independent and dependent variables represent.
New Making Vertical Tables from Equations (Independent & Dependent Variables) Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Early learners can read this short passage and complete the basic comprehension and writing activities.
New Pam at School Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
This worksheet includes a short passage targeting a kindergarten reading level, as well as questions to test basic early ELA skills and reading fluency.
New The Train Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Test reading fluency and practice kindergarten reading skills with this worksheet that includes a short passage about a kid's red bike.
New I Like My Bike Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Practice converting between decimals, fractions, and percentages with this interactive classroom scoot game.
New Converting Decimals, Fractions, and Percents Scoot Game Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Synonyms, indefinite pronouns, linking clauses, and puns are just a few of the topics your fifth graders will be practicing with this week's set of ELA Buzz worksheets.
New ELA Buzz: Week 18<br>Worksheets 86 through 90 Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Review homophones, irregular verbs, subject-verb agreement, and much more with this week's set of daily ELA Buzz worksheets.
New ELA Buzz: Week 19<br>Worksheets 91 through 95 Worksheet
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Many of our worksheets have been translated into Spanish! Click the Super Teacher Worksheets Languages Icon button below worksheet descriptions to view our Spanish translations. Learn more.
(added January 30, 2025)
Daily practice helps make sure students don't fall behind or forget important ELA skills. This week students will review metaphors, double negatives, reflexive pronouns, and more.
New ELA Buzz: Week 18<br>Worksheets 86 through 90 Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Make sure your students are practicing ELA skills everyday with this set of spiral review. They'll practice adverbs, homophones, reading comprehension, and more.
New ELA Buzz: Week 17<br>Worksheets 81 through 85 Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Work on basic verb tense skills, capitalization, punctuation, and more first grade language arts concepts.
New ELA Buzz: Week 18<br>Worksheets 86 through 90 Worksheet
(added January 30, 2025)
Keep practicing key first grade ELA skills such as rhyming, vowel sounds, commas, and more with this week's set of daily review.
New ELA Buzz: Week 17<br>Worksheets 81 through 85 Worksheet
(added January 28, 2025)
Whether you're reviewing for state tests or just trying to get some practice on key concepts, ELA Buzz has what you need to keep your 5th graders' language arts skills fresh. Work on suffixes, proofreading, sentence subjects, and much more.
New ELA Buzz: Week 17<br>Worksheets 81 through 85 Worksheet
(added January 28, 2025)
Work on important ELA topics like idioms, hyperbole, direct addresses, interjections, and more 5th grade concepts with this week's set of ELA Buzz worksheets.
New ELA Buzz: Week 16<br>Worksheets 76 through 80 Worksheet
(added January 28, 2025)
This week your students will review 5th grade vocabulary, correlative conjunctions, roots and affixes, metaphors, and more.
New ELA Buzz: Week 15<br>Worksheets 71 through 75 Worksheet
(added January 28, 2025)
Continue your daily language arts review with week 14 of our 5th grade ELA Buzz series. Among other things, your students will spiral back to concepts like commas and quotation marks, practice high-level vocabulary, and correctly use present and past participles.
New ELA Buzz: Week 14<br>Worksheets 66 through 70 Worksheet
(added January 28, 2025)
These daily language arts worksheets are a great way to review important ELA skills or prep for state tests. They are closely correlated with current standards and focus on concepts important for 5th grade learners.
New ELA Buzz: Week 13<br>Worksheets 61 through 65 Worksheet
(added January 28, 2025)
These daily ELA sheets are great for state test prep or just regular language arts review. Correlated closely with current standards, they focus on grade appropriate phonics, grammar, vocabulary, and conventions skills.
New ELA Buzz: Week 16<br>Worksheets 76 through 80 Worksheet
(added January 16, 2025)
Work on key parts of fourth grade ELA curricula this week with our daily spiral review worksheets. Topics include suffixes, quotations, synonyms, and much more.
New ELA Buzz: Week 16<br>Worksheets 76 through 80 Worksheet
(added January 16, 2025)
With this punctuation worksheet, students will complete each sentence with the best punctuation mark.
New Question Mark, Period, and Exclamation Point Fill-In Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
Draw lines to match the four basic shapes to the real-life objects of the same shape.
New Picture Matching: Real-Life Objects Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
On this worksheet, students will review 4 basic shapes: circle, square, rectangle, and triangle. They will determine which shape each object shown is. Objects are real-life things they've seen such as a round pizza, a pizza slice, a hanger, a clock, and a book.
New Identify Shapes: Real-Life Objects Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
Write the correct end punctuation to complete each sentence on this pet-themed punctuation practice worksheet.
New Question Mark & Period Fill-in Worksheet Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
This simple anchor chart helps students understand to purpose of a period, question mark, and exclamation point. It also includes example sentences for each type of punctuation.
New End Punctuation Anchor Chart Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
Give your students some practice with end punctuation with this simple cut & paste activity. They will cut and glue the question mark, period, and exclamation point next to the appropriate words.
New End Punctuation Cut & Paste Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
Choose from the prepositions in the box to complete each sentence to match the picture.
New Complete the Sentences (Prepositions) Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
Students will complete the sentence and color in the matching picture on this preposition worksheet.
New Fill in the Blank and Color: Dog Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
With this preposition printout, students will fill in a blank primary line with a preposition to complete the sentence. Then they'll color the picture that goes along with it.
New Fill in the Blank and Color: Turtle Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
With this preposition worksheet, students will pick from 3 prepositions to complete each sentence based on a picture. The given prepositions are in front of, on, and in. This question sheet makes a great activity for reviewing prepositions.
New Fill in the Blanks (Prepositions) Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
Match the sentences with prepositions to the pictures they match. Prepositions in this activity include on, under, behind, next to, and in front of.
New Sentence-Picture Match Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
With this worksheet, students will listen to the long o words their teacher reads aloud. Each is spelled with either an o or o-e. Students have to pick which word out of their list of 4 the teacher read. At the end, two words are read that students must write on their own.
New Listen and Circle (o and o-e) Worksheet
(added January 15, 2025)
Teachers will read long o words spelled with oa, oe, and ow. Students will select the correct word from a list of four. At the end, two words are read that students have to spell on their own. Primary lines are provided.
New Listen and Circle (oa, oe, and ow) Worksheet
(added January 7, 2025)
Celebrate your student's graduation from OT with this printable award certificate.
New Occupational Therapy Graduate Worksheet
(added January 7, 2025)
You can write your student's name on this certificate to help them celebrate their accomplishments and graduating from speech therapy.
New Speech Therapy Graduate Worksheet
(added January 7, 2025)
Help your students refine important language arts skills with this week's set of ELA review worksheets. They'll work with adjectives, syllables, contractions, and much more.
New ELA Buzz: Week 17<br>Worksheets 81 through 85 Worksheet
(added January 6, 2025)
Keep practicing important language arts concepts with this week's set of daily ELA review worksheets.
New ELA Buzz: Week 16<br>Worksheets 76 through 80 Worksheet
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