Super Teacher Worksheets

Vowel Diphthongs: ow and ou

With these printable worksheets, you'll be able to teach students the different ways to spell the /ow/ sound, as in cloud and clown.

Vowel Diphthongs: ow and ou - Worksheets
Find words with -ow- and -ou- in this easy-to-read, eight-page minibook. Words include, "cloud, cow, round, brown, flower, loud, and owl. Students can color the pictures and read the book.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Common Core
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Brainstorm a list of words with /ow/ spelled ou, and a list of words with /ow/ spelled ow.
1st Grade
Brainstorm a list of eight words with the /ow/ sound, as in mouth and clown.
1st Grade
Brainstorm a list of eight words with the /ow/ sound, as in mouth and clown.
1st Grade
The letters OW can make two sounds: /ow/ (as in owl) or long o (as in slow). Sort the word cards into groups by sound.
1st Grade
Phonics word wheel: brown, flower, now, plow, cow, town, and how.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Phonics word wheel: mouth, cloud, out, about, and loud.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade

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Phonics Worksheets - OW and OU Sounds

Phonics Worksheets - OW and OU Sounds

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