Super Teacher Worksheets
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Our large collection of fraction printables covers topics such as equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, and operations with fractions.
Basic Addition
Basic Addition Worksheets
From cut-and-glue activities to task cards, we have hundreds of worksheets to help you teach basic addition facts.
50 States
50 States - Worksheets
We have lots of printable PDFs for learning about the 50 states and their capitals. Worksheets include printable games, maps, puzzles, and more.
Building Sentences
Building Sentences (Basic)
Help your students practice writing sentences. They'll cut out the words and arrange them coherently to form complete sentences.
What's New?
New Items
There's always something new and exciting happening at Super Teacher Worksheets! We are constantly adding awesome new worksheets and printable activities to our website. Make sure to take a peek at the wonderful resources we have added recently!
Word Families
Word Families
Find printable worksheets, games, flashcards, word wheels, and sliders for the most common word families, such as -ain, -ing, -ow, and many more.
Basic Subtraction
Basic Subtraction Worksheets
From simple fact practice and speed drills to fun games and activities, we have what you need to teach your students basic subtraction.
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Frog Life Cycle
Frog Life Cycle
We have lots of worksheets on the life cycle of frogs, including a life cycle wheel, scavenger hunt, mini book, and more.
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Worksheets
We have a huge collection of nonfiction and fiction passages. Reading comprehension questions, vocabulary activities, and writing prompts are included.
Sight Words
Sight Words Worksheets
This page contains 30 sight word units, each with 4 common sight words and a noun. Worksheets include word wheels, flashcards, and cut-and-glue activities.
We have worksheets for line graphs, bar graphs, pie graphs, and more! Worksheets cover both reading and creating graphs.
We have what you need to teach your students about electricity. Topics include current electricity, circuits, conductors and insulators, and static electricity.
Chapter Books
Chapter Books
We have worksheets and activities for some of the most popular elementary-level chapter books. Titles include Charlotte's Web, The Giver, Holes, and more.
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Math Buzz
Math Buzz Worksheets
Math Buzz is a set of 150 daily, spiraled review worksheets for elementary students. Each file contains five worksheets, with one for each day of the week.
Comparing and Ordering Numbers
Comparing Numbers
These worksheets can help you teach students how to use the greater than, less than, and equal to math symbols.
Other Topics That May Interest You
Use these worksheets to help teach ELA topics such as reading comprehension, writing, and parts of speech.
Check out our spelling word lists, worksheets, and puzzles for elementary students.
We have worksheets on operations, place value, integers, and everything else related to math.
These seasonal and holiday worksheets contain puzzles, crafts, holiday math, reading passages, and more.
Teach students all about the basics of reading and writing with our early literacy worksheets.
Teach students consonants, diagraphs, two-letter blends, and more with these phonics worksheets.
Print worksheets for teaching students about plants, animals, electricity, matter, and more.
These worksheets cover geography, explorers, map skills, colonial America, and more.
Use these worksheets for practice on all sorts of grammar and syntax topics.
Find brainteasers and puzzles that put critical thinking and logic skills to the test.
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