Super Teacher Worksheets

Persuasive Writing

Use these worksheets to supplement your persuasive writing unit. Includes a variety of worksheets and writing prompts for students.

Persuasive Writing Prompts and Worksheets

Persuasive Writing Topics

Write a persuasive essay to show that you agree or disagree with the following statement: Keeping a wild animal in a zoo is inhumane.
3rd through 5th Grades
Common Core
English and Spanish Versions Available
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Do you believe students should wear uniforms to school? Write a persuasive essay in favor or against uniforms.
3rd through 5th Grades
Should cell phones be banned in schools? Students express their reasons for and against having smart phones in the classroom.
3rd through 5th Grades
According to Facebook's terms of service, you need to be at least 13 years-old to have a Facebook account. Do you think this is a fair rule?
3rd through 5th Grades
Tell whether or not you think pizza should be served in the school cafeteria everyday.
1st through 5th Grades
Do you think all students should learn and use proper cursive handwriting. State your opinion and use details to support your point of view.
3rd through 5th Grades

Opinion Piece Response

Students will read the opinion piece and respond whether they agree or disagree with the author and why.

Graphic Organizer

This printable graphic organizer will help students organize their writing. The worksheet has boxes for students to write an opinion, reasons, details, and a counterargument.
3rd through 6th Grades
This is a different version of the above graphic organizer. This one has lines for students to write on.
3rd through 6th Grades

See Also:

Creative Writing Prompts

Write creative stories and thoughts based on these fun writing prompts.

Writing Story Pictures

Color the pictures and write creative stories to explain what's happening in each scene.

Writing Worksheets

Learn to write thank you notes and friendly letters. Also includes worksheets of figures of speech, editing, and writing projects.

Editing and Proofreading

Print editing wheels, proofreading bookmarks, and short passages for students to proofread.

Sample Worksheet Images

Persuasive Writing Worksheets

Persuasive Writing Topic Worksheet

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Common Core Alignment